Dec 27, 2010

Advaced auto Table lamp

You can use it as a Reading lamp, at night for searching something when load shedding occurred. It has more significant than Chinise lamp, thats it operates on depending on light, where Chinise Lamp operate on depending on Alternating Current. So when we use Chinise Lamp then we need to switch off at Day. But it need not any hand operating.

It is also possible to use with Alternating Current directly.
when sufficient dark have been present then it will on autometically.
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May 31, 2010

Water alarm circuit

It's a water alarm circuit which is implemented for general purpose in home made use.
When water level come to the point of contacts then speaker will give alarm. You can also use a siron for alternate of speaker or calling bell. Best of Luck _ Md. Monzurul Islam.

May 21, 2010

Electrical Symbols

Autometic 24V Battery Charger

This is  Automatic Charger circuit and Full charged indicator. For 24V batteries it can charger with current be stable about 1.5A and have voltage output 27Volt with integrated number circuit LM317K. When the battery has had full already , as a result will cut the work. There is a tube LED show the work with use integrated number circuit LT431 perform check the level , voltage battery and systematically protect short circuit with IC LM317. Unless D2 perform protect wasp a pole battery wrong as well. The IC1 should hold heat sink with. with detail see in the circuit.
You can also convert it as 12V Battery charger By using center trapped transformer with connecting diode as a Full wave rectifier.
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